I find myself up at my aunt's right now with a few moments to spare and also with the all important internet connection.
It is quite peaceful to have a moment of quiet away from the busyness of site. It is also interesting to be away from the caravan. We've been down there more and more recently and, on reflection, it hasn't been that much of a shift.
I'm quite surprised how I haven't missed tv etc and how I've got used to being in that smaller space (it is very useful at dinnertime when I can sit at the table and pass things out from the fridge without even having to leave my seat). I'm even surviving the lack of internet - well, after a fashion.
It is so ingrained in us to have access to running water, dishwashers, tv, central heating etc. I know we're only temporarily in the caravan - and very distracted by housebuilding - yet I am surprised at how easy it is. I must admit that everything does take longer to do, especially washing up (with getting the water from bottles to the jug and then the wash bowl, emptying the bowl outside, drying with the tea towel etc). It is also cold at times and breezy (you wouldn't believe how many layers of blankets that I sleep under .. but I do like to be warm).
I don't even miss my 'stuff' .. yet. I guess I'm just happy to be there, to wake up every morning to OUR view, sweet birdsong and our house to work on. The weather has been pretty sunny, which is a great help and marvellous uplifter of the spirits.
Sometimes the changes are almost too fast. It seemed that the septic tank and reedbed were there in the blink of an eye. It can be disconcerting - after planning it for so long, to actually see it done. Like planning a garden, it's always a little different than how you plan or envision it.
Quick decision making has been a big challenge for me. I love to think things through, to research options, to ponder. It's quite a shift to just 'decide'. I'm glad I decided on the spur of the moment to get a pond put in to replace the old test pit. I realise that I've never had a pond, so my teptation is to research - but there isn't really time - so I'll have to go more by my intuition! I'll also have to aquire some pond plants!
I'm back down to site today - with the cats (as my aunt is away for a while) - now that will be fun. Cats on a building site. I have missed them dreadfully, especially Elvie - our newest addition who just turned up tiny and hungry last October and has decided that I'm the knee of choice ever since. He purrs whenever I walk into the room and Sam claims that Elvie gives him the evil genious 'she's mine' look whenever he has my knees to himself.

Our other cat, Leo, is more mature and chilled out (although has entered a second kittenhood since he's had Elvie to play with). I feel he'll take a supervisory role. He loves ladders, so I imagine he'll be getting stuck upstairs a lot.

Finally, I found this yesterday in the pantry.

It really made me wonder (in awe) at nature's determination. I wonder how long that potatoe sat in the dark sending out those tendrils towards the light? Well, good job it did, as I saw it and will reward it for it's efforts by planting it up somewehere.
I wonder if I have that much trust and stamina, to keep reaching towards what I want - even if it doen't seem easy or the path is uncertain.