Sam got them both in over the weekend (with a bit of help from a neighbour to get the glass in – as yours truly point blank refused to be responsible for ‘helping’ with that) and we were amazed at the great views we have from them. Try as I might I can’t get any pictures that do it justice, but trust me, they are fab.
The ducks have settled in really well and love the new duck pool (a cheap storage box sans lid), seen in blue.
Their latest trick is to run from under the chicken house to the pool, have a quick dip, then run back under. Sam thinks they really LOVE me, as they follow me about (and laugh when I can’t catch them at bedtime). I’ve spent time everyday wiring the outside of their enclosure for extra fox protection and they follow me around as I work. I’ve taken to singing to them (well, who can resist a captive audience) – watery songs of course – and they actually seem to like it .. or at least haven’t developed their art critic faculties yet.
Sally won’t go down there now, as she got a blast of the lecky fence – turned up high – on her nose and was very unimpressed.
The roof is going up this week but all else seems to be on the long finger. I am determined to sow more seeds today and the polytunnel is rumoured to arrive sometime next week. There’s even talk of duck tractors and compost heaps manifesting out of thin air. We shall see.
then I put them in damp compost in seed trays and took them around to my lovely neighbour Jenny, who is kindly letting me start them off in her wonderfully warm airing cupboard - thank you Jenny! The hot water bottle propagator is not forgotten though - I'll get that up and running to keep the chill off the seedlings when they are little. The polytunnel is due to arrive in a couple of weeks, so should be offering them some protection pretty soon afterwards.
The rest of my potatoes went into car tyres and old compost bags and next up for planting will be the jerusalem artichokes and Oca (other odd tubers).