Some of them are going to enrich the compost heap whilst others I may try to re-use as mulch on the beds (so other weeds don't take over the bare soil).
I did try this before ... this time, I'm taking off the roots, so they don't just re-grow!

I think I'll be busy in the garden for a while yet.
Some things are going well though. Interplanting with flowers has been a great success.
The sweetcorn is doing its best (may be a tad short - but it could stilll work).
The shallots taste great.
The sunflowers amongst the peas are starting to show.
Indoors, we've been busy finding bargains.
We got our kitchen reduced in the Ikea sale - just in time, as its being discontinued!
Got the cooker ex-display.
and even got ourselves a well needed discount on our paint - yes, I held out and got the eco-stuff .. luckily it covers really well, so we didn't have to buy too much of it.

There's also still a rumor that we'll have mains electrics next week.
Right now, I'm on my last few minutes of battery power, so thats all for now, folks.