The weather has been quite warm during the days for a while, so I've also been hardening some seedlings off outside.
I thought, with the weather warming, that I wouldn't have a problem with mice anymore. If you remember, they ate some broad bean seeds - from the pots - back in February.
Alas, I underestimated the dedication of mice to finding a good snack. Stupidly, I'd put some seeds on the bottom level of the shelves and that proved too much of a temptation to Mr / Mrs / Miss Mouse.
I noticed on Thursday that I'd lost some cauliflower, calendula, sweet peas, sunflowers and nasturtiums. I've had to re-buy the nasturtiums and sweet peas. I have reserves of the rest.
If you look closely at this pic you can see that Mr Mouse likes a nibble of nasturtiums, but won't finish the lot!

On Thursday I also noticed that the broad beans I'd put out this week have started to get slug damage.
You can see it here on these leaves. I did a night time patrol yesterday and caught three big slugs!
Yesterday, Frenchie the chicken had a relapse (she was a bit poorly over Easter - but improved again). The vet thinks it's a gut infection. So, we've had to separate her, so we can give her medicine in her water. She isn't impressed. We put Madelene(the friendliest and daftest chicken) in with her at night to keep her warm and cosy.
Here's Frenchie this morning in her makeshift little pen.
Hopefully, thats all our 'bad luck' for now (I'm trying to not even think of the ongoing planning hold ups - we're now waiting on the reedbed report, which we need before we can make our next submission. We were meant to get it three weeks ago - but it's hard to hurry anything up in Leitrim - even if it drives you daft waiting!)
Anyway, it's a new day today and I have some replacement seeds ready to sow.
My red lettuce if finally turning red (after being green with nasty dark blotches).
I even got her a couple of herbs for the sunny south facing bed, which should be done soon.
For myself, I couldn't resist a wee anemone that will probably come to Leitrim with us. It's always out so early in the year, I find it really cheery.
Outside we have some willow cuttings that I'll try to plant up.
They are this years prunings from the teepee we made a few years back.
I'm not sure what this is, but it's growing up the wall of my aunts house. Small, but beautifully formed.
Here's her Camellias, just coming into flower now.
Even her redcurrants and showing signs of life.
I've even taking some cutting some rose prunings. It's a big, old fashioned, shrub rose. I'll pot it up soon and see if it 'takes'.
If you have a slug problem ......Try The slugbell....the best slug and snail control device in the World...
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And see for your self
Hi Fergus~~ Wow you have been busy. I'm glad the weather has been conducive. The mystery plant is Kennelwith Ivy. If you like, you can Google it to get the botanical name. :) I like it in certain places. It likes to seed around but it's easy to pull.
ReplyDeleteMice eating your seeds reminds me that just a few days ago a squirrel was burying something in a container just outside my door. Ah, the joys of Nature!
I hope the critters stay away from your seeds and baby plants. Good luck with the cuttings and best wishes to Frenchie.